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Embrace the Within no. 147

“Do not give that which is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, for they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces [In this verse “dogs” and “pigs” represent those who despise sacred things].

Matthew 7:6 AMP

I can’t be discouraged when I bring the good news of the Lord to folks that trample the Truth and despise love. Folks are going to be exactly who they are until they decide to change. Just as I was exactly who I was until the moment I decided to change and God loved me even though I was me.

I think this verse can get us too much into superiority and too much into name calling if it is taken out of context of the work of Christ here on earth. I can begin to see the unsaved and unrepentant as less than me, forgetting that I was once unsaved and unrepentant. I wasn’t a dog or a pig back then BUT I treated the Truth and righteousness like an animal would something beautiful. I would tear it up and misuse the Truth just like an ignorant beast.

Humility and perspective is important in my walk with the Lord. After time, I can begin to think that I am better than those dogs and pigs. BUT I am at heart a repentant dog or a saved pig. I can even more easily be trampling the Word again than following His Way. And I need to remember that it wasn’t anything within my power that transformed me. It is only through Him that an eternal change can happen. It is only through Him that I can be saved and sanctified. It is only through Him that He can see Christ in me.

I pray that I do not lose sight that I was once someone that trampled the Truth under my feet. I pray that I do not lose sight that I once tore the Truth to pieces. I pray that I always remember that I am not better than where I once was. There is nothing holy or righteous of me worth saving BUT He saved me regardless. There is nothing I can do to make any of what I have promised worthy of me BUT I get to be worthy regardless. I pray that I do not lose patience with those that treat the Word as something to trample and tear. I pray that the Spirit walking within me manifest its fruit when I face those that disregard and abuse His Word. I pray that I always remember that every good thing I do this side of eternity and beyond is a reflection of His love for me.

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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