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Embrace the Secret Within

“My life story and the Law of Attraction . . .”

Embrace the Secret WIthin.

I get to tell my own story. That’s the great thing about the Law of Attraction and every day. Everything is happening because of the story I tell myself every day.

Every morning I wake, I get to decide how the day is going to go. Visualizing the day I want and going out to achieve that day is an important part of planning in the morning.

If you can visualize it then you can achieve it. Your mind doesn’t know the difference.

It’s all my fault and I get to control what I get from what I put forward. I get to embrace the secret, embrace the happiness, embrace the abundance.

“I will tell my story as I want it to be . . .”

Embrace the Secret WIthin.

It’s not perfect the first day. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t get better every day.

As I focus on telling the story I want, I get to revise and revisit that story every day.I get to improve on what happened yesterday and build that better story today.

It’s never one and done. Every day you get to hone and sharpen your story. You get to mold and bend the story to fit what you want.

“Whatever I desire, I can acquire . . . “

Embrace the Secret WIthin.

If you have that desire, then it has to come from somewhere. Why would you have that desire if you couldn’t achieve that goal?

Focus on the idea that this reality, this world, this universe, holds a promise of joy and abundance. As you begin to embrace your journey and the within, you’re going to find a focus, a destination, for your personal growth. Embrace the path and look for the ways to achieve that goal.

“Achieving success is my natural birthright . . .”

Embrace the Secret WIthin.

Failure isn’t something external, it is something internal. Things are supposed to go right for us. Life is supposed to be lived well, lived joyfully, lived abundantly.

When things aren’t going well, it is time to look inside. Take control of what is going wrong and make those changes. Courage is choosing to change.

Taking control of your life means you need to understand yourself, your destination, and your reality. You can make the change because you’re the only one that can. No one else is going to make the change for you, nothing else can make the change for you. You have to embrace the change, embrace the journey, embrace your life.

“My every story is attracting its vibrational match . . .”

Embrace the Secret WIthin.

It’s all the vibration and the frequency. Everything vibrates at a frequency. It’s simple quantum physics.

The vibrations you put forth into the world look for matches to attract. As the vibrations combine the resulting vibration is greater, attracting more of the same things and thoughts. We need focus on the things we really want and not the things we don’t. The universe will attract whatever we’re sending So be mindful of your focus. Embrace what you want and not what you can do without.

“I am the creator of my own life experience . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Everything I say, do, and think creates my reality. When I accept that my actions create my existence, I can begin to take meaningful change in words, in actions, in thoughts to shape my world.

When I began this journey almost a year ago, it was out of fear. And everywhere I looked there were things to frighten me. Things to worry me. Things to trouble my body, my mind, my soul.

Over the past year, I regained ownership of my mind first. Taking control of my thoughts could then lead my actions. With a clear plan of action, I could articulate my thoughts and actions.

Control your thoughts today? Control your reality? #MakeYourselfGreatAgain #MyBodyMyChoice #NoGodsNoMasters #ThinkBetter #BeBetter

“Money is not the root of evil or of happiness . . .”

Embrace the Secret Within.

Money can be a concern. Money can be a worry. Money can be a tool. Money is what you allow it to be.

Ultimately, we have the choice and the control over our lives. Removing the concern and worry surrounding money frees your body, your mind, your soul to find happiness. The money is not the happiness . . . The removal of money from your list of problems helps pave the way to happiness.

Money does not cause evil. We are the same people if we are poor as we are when we are rich. Something external like money does not change who we are at a fundamental level. These external factors only amplify the true character underneath.

If you think money changed someone, I can assure you it did not. Money just revealed the true character hidden underneath. If you need an example of this, take a vacation that is all inclusive. This reveals that when money is no longer a concern, then the true character of a person is revealed.

“I am the attractor of my every experience . . .

Embrace the Secret Within.

Your life is within your control. Once you decide to take ownership of your body, your mind, your experience, then you are at liberty to carve out the life you desire. Focusing on your Ultimate Boon attracts that goal to you.

Determine what you really want out of this life. Remembering that money is only a tool and not an ends, consider a life where money is unimportant. What is your life like in this world?

Once you determine this picture of how your life should be, then you can set your body, your mind, your soul into alignment with this world. You can attract that life. You can have that experience.

“I can see my world through the eyes of the source . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Thinking and saying what we want is empowering. Focusing on the Boon gives life a direction, a goal, a purpose. When we start speaking and thinking about what we want to achieve, what we want to experience, what we want to be, the more we will find ourself in tune with our goals.

Too often we focus on things we don’t want and place too much of our thoughts and words at those things. And by our mistakes in thinking and speaking, we attract to ourselves what we don’t want.

Switching our focus on what we do want allows the change to happen. Switching our focus puts our goals on our mind. Switching our focus attracts the things we want.

It’s simple quantum physics.

“I can deliberately choose to feel better now . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

As you continue changing your focus of deeds and words toward what you want, not only does this align you externally but internally with what you want. One reinforces the other.

The more we get our deeds and works to tend positively toward our desired outcomes; the more we will see these outcomes easier to envision and enact.

Embrace what you truly want out of life. Take the actions of thought and body to make these occur. Embrace the change and the growth. Are you ready to embrace the secret within you?

“I can pivot from feeling bad to feeling good. . . .”

Embrace the Secret Within.

This continue change in your focus of deeds and words will change your life. Focusing more on what you want and the good in life will show noticeable returns immediately.

The more you think and say what you want, the more your reality will be like you think and say. Your focus on the positive will lead to more positive outcomes.

I can say that over the past year of changing my focus to what I want has rendered those things possible. I started this process scared that I couldn’t feed my family. So I set my purpose on carving out a garden. This year, I already have crops planted and a plan to grow the things I eat.

I started this process unhealthy. I was drinking daily and constantly at odds with my horrible diet and lack of exercise. Today I haven’t drank in weeks and wake each morning with a workout routine. I plan my meals for breakfast and lunch for the week and focus on eating natural products. I avoid most of the grocery store outside the produce, meat, and frozen vegetable aisle.

So, keep thinking about that goal. Visualize what you want. Be grateful for what you receive.

“I want to harmonize with my desire . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

We are not always going to focus on the positive aspects of life. Negative thoughts will arise at times. How we choose to handle these negative thoughts is important.

We can get angry at ourselves for having these negative thoughts, however, this achieves no change. Embrace the feeling and question why the negative emotion occurred. What can I learn from this thought?

Accept the thought and its purpose while pivoting back to focus on what you want. Simply asy yourself, “What is it I want?”

Our thoughts are ours. We do not simply write off the ones we don’t like. We need to embrace all our thoughts and understand all our thoughts and feelings. This is how we come to terms with who we are in our mind, in our body, in our soul.

“What do I want, and why do I want it . . .”

Embrace the Secret Within.

Now that you are aligning your thoughts and actions with what you want. You are beginning to get what you think about. This allows you not only to tell the story of how it is right now but how it will be in the future.

Taking the steps today to focus on what you want helps you create a pleasant future. These thoughts and actions attract to themselves the same in the world around them. Visualize what you want now and be grateful for what you receive.

You are on your way to embracing the change, embracing the secret, embracing the within.

“I am a vibrational being in a vibrational universe . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within

I don’t remember exactly which physics class I was in at Frostburg when I was first introduced to the de Broglie wavelength. It was probably Atomic Physics with Dr. Tan, but ever since, I tucked this idea that matter has a frequency and vibrates away into the back of mind. Something I always remembered but couldn’t quite fully grasp.

I am certain you have probably heard me say, “It’s simple quantum physics”, when referring to occurrences in life that reinforce my knowledge of a vibrational universe.

This idea is called by many names. I prefer to talk about it as manifestation. If you send out the vibrations of thought out into the universe, then the universe will attract that vibration back to you. It’s basic quantum physics.

So take advantage of the vibrational nature of your thoughts and the world around you. Get those good vibrations flowing through ya?

“I can give my attention to the positive aspects . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

But, ed, you don’t walk around all the time smiling like a fool. How are you being positive?

It’s quite simply focus. Once you focus on what you value, what you believe, what you desire then you are being positive. It’s not a state of emotion, rather a state of thought, action, vibration.

I’m not walking around pretending. Pretending to be content, pretending to be perfect, pretending to be happy . . . I am no longer being a hypocrite.

I am focused, honest, and active in making my life the way I want it to be. And that’s more positive than putting on a visage, a face, a mask of pretend. It is being authentic.

And it takes courage to do. But you have that courage inside of you and the more you flex your muscle of courage the easier, healthier, stronger the courage will become.

“My attention to unwanted attracts more unwanted . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Thinking about something attracts it to you. It doesn’t matter to your brain whether you want this or not. Your focus on unwanted things does not make them less what your brain thinks you want.

By putting out the vibration of unwanted things, you are attracting these unwanted things. This is why changing your focus is important. Changing how you act, how you think, what you say to align with what you want, desire, need.

We often hear people complain about not getting what they want. But their focus is on these unwanted things. Their focus is not on what they do want. Choosing to focus on those unwanted things is a cycle that keeps reinforcing the unwanted in their lives. Their focus has determined that they want what they say to not want. Their actions and thoughts are on the unwanted and that makes those things wanted.

Change your perspective. Change your focus. Change your life.

“The Law of Attraction adds power to both problems and solutions . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Recognizing the things we need to change in order to achieve our goals is important. When we know what we want, then it is easier to identify what we don’t. But don’t dwell on the problem.

Focus instead on the change, the journey, the solution because that is the goal. Spending too much focus on the solution changes our thoughts and actions to go against what we want. Our focus is on the problem that we don’t want.

Focusing on solutions will put is in harmony with our lives. Courage is choosing to change.

“Nothing is more important than that I feel good . . . “

Embrace the Secret.

When you feel less than good, you need to consider what is making you this way. It is definitely focus on something that does not align with what you want. Once you recognize that you feel some way other than good, change your focus back on what you want.

If you are feeling negative, then you are ignoring, fighting, resisting what you want. Putting yourself back in alignment with what you want will replace that negative feeling with a positive one. Stay in alignment as much as possible and you will think better, act better, feel better.

“The better it gets, the better it gets . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

People like to talk about negative things attracting negative things, however, the same can be said for positive things. The more you focus on the positive, then the more positive things will attract to you.

Once you get tuned into the correct, positive station, the vibrations are just going to keep coming. They are going to keep building. And the good will keep on getting better.

Your focus determines your reality. And the more you vibrate positively, the more you tune in to the positive, the more you are positive . . . then the better it gets.

Give it a try?

“I can pivot under any and all conditions . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

I can change my focus at any time. There doesn’t need to be any special circumstances, momentous change, or life-altering experience to facilitate a change in focus. I just simply need to make the change.

Courage is choosing to change. Change is gradual, deliberate, and sustained. A rushed change is one quickly abandoned. It took a long time to get where you are, and it will take a long time to bring you back.

A good place to change is before going to sleep. Focus on good-feeling thoughts before sleep. Experience a quiet mind during sleep.

“What-if everything was always working out for me . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

What-if and the hypothetical situations are mostly worthless endeavors. Concern and worry about what has not and will not happen sometimes monopolizes our time. Use your what-ifs to find a way to feel better?

There is NEVER a situation without a way out. We may fall back into comfortable routines or make bold choices. We may return to old perspectives or embrace new points of view.

You can find the vibrations of good things. You can find the good-feeling experiences. You can embrace the positive and focus on what you want.

So, come out of the concern and worry about possibility and embrace the certainty of the positive?

“The subject of money is really two subjects . . . .”

Embrace the Secret Within.

Thinking or acting about money requires the proper mental attitude. It is not simply saying, “I want more money.”

Your attitude about money needs to change. Relating to money positively rather than from a place of fear or negativity will greatly align your thoughts and actions with what you want. Remember that the emotion around the actions and thoughts are important.

Your positive thoughts and actions attract what you want, however, the negative attract what you do not want.

“I am becoming more aware of my feelings about money . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Money is an important thing to understand. Many of life’s problems are associated with money, however, often we choose to ignore how we feel about money and these problems continue. Dwelling on our current situations with money helps to reinforce these ideas.

Instead of focusing on how things are, consider how you want things to be. Visualize and focus on the change you want to experience with money. Bring in the positive feelings.

Courage is choosing to change not only your physical health but your financial health as well.

“I want to harmonize with what I believe is good . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

What matters is what you want and what you believe is best for you. There exists many influences that will compete against what you want. These influences will exert their pressure on you.

These influences are all external. They are not you. Focus on what you believe, think, and feel.

“I want to be the best that I can be. I want to live and act in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest good. I want to harmonize my body, my mind, my life with the best way of life.”

“I can always tell a different financial-abundance story . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

What I have and what you have is not reliant on anyone else. What I have or you have has only to do with us. What I have and you have is only important to us.

Our abundance or lack of abundance is our perspective. Our abundance or lack of abundance is within our control. By controlling your thoughts, your words, your actions, you can write the narrative.

All you have to do is tell a different story.

“Whenever I am feeling good, I am attracting good . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Trust your feelings. When you are feeling positive, then you are attracting more of that same energy to you. Controlling your two states, having and not having, helps focus your direction.

You will notice that the more focus you place on positive things, the more these positive elements will occur. This is not coincidence.

Change your perspective and change your world.

“I will praise success wherever I see it . . . “

Often we are critical of the actions of others. This critical thought is counter productive to what we want. Realizing that what others do has nothing to do with you, and that your ultimate focus is on your actions, will align you with what you want.

Enjoy your success and the success around you. Embrace the good feeling that comes from your success and the success of others.

Don’t spend your days concerned with what others do. Other people are not you. You can not make their choices. You can only make choices for you. Stop being a hater.

Courage is choosing to change. Changing your focus from the external to the internal is a major step in that change.

“I am developing the skill to direct my thoughts . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Directing your thoughts is a skill and requires practice. This skill is truly valuable for getting what you want from life. Like any skill, directing your thoughts takes practice.

Keep directing your thoughts toward what you want during all situations. Giving what you want your undivided attention and focus.

Your thoughts, your actions, your life will change as your focus changes.

“I do not need to have money to attract money . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

We often hear that it takes money to make money, however, this is not a fact. The key is your attitude, thoughts, and actions about money.

Money is simply a tool. It is something you use. It is nothing special.

Oftentimes we transfer our values and beliefs to money. We give money more importance and significance than it deserves.

Feeling like you don’t deserve money or that money is evil will not help you. Feeling poor will not help you attract money. Changing your perspective on money and your focus in life will move you into alignment with what you want

“It comes not by magic, but by universal law . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

The Law of Attraction is not magical. The Law of Attraction is simple quantum physics. We just need to embrace the science of the world around us.

When you choose to tell your narrative the way you want your life to look, feel, and act rather than writing a sad documentary, the transforming power of your new narrative will attract what you want to you.

This may feel like magic but it is no more magical than making a fire. When you put your thoughts and actions into alignment with what you want, you will get what you want. Just like when you put your thoughts and actions into making a fire. Making a fire is simple, however sustaining the fire is the challenge. Keep what you want burning bright in your mind.

“I can have money and freedom, too . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, look around you. What cooperation are you denying yourself?

There is plenty of help out there to allow you to be free if you only take the help.

Putting your thoughts, actions, and life in alignment with what you want will create opportunity. Opportunity that you did not see before.

Change the way you think and feel and access the secret all around you.

It’s simple quantum physics.

“My attention to it invites the essence of it . . . “ What you think about is as important as how you think about it. Remember that your thoughts need to be positive in order to invite positive things.

When you think about things, remember to think of them as how you want them to be and not how they are. Your positive thoughts attract the same.

Vibrating the correct thoughts and feelings are important. Know the difference.

“I have control over the thoughts I think . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

What can be more empowering than taking control of your thoughts? Thoughts direct our actions. Thoughts direct our behavior. Thoughts direct the words we say. Thoughts direct how we react.

Training your thoughts to focus on what you want trains the rest of you to focus on what you want. You no longer are a victim of what happens externally because you control both internal and external through thought and action.

Start empowering yourself by taking back control of your thoughts? Gain power over your thoughts, your actions, your life? You own you. Act like it?

“My financial success does not require hard work . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Oftentimes the way we think about money is the biggest hindrance we face. If we believe that money requires us to work hard, then we don’t expect money unless we have done hard work. Success of any kind does not necessitate working hard.

I frequently tell my students to “work smarter and not harder”. That is the essence of what I’m teaching here today. It’s not the sweat or the difficulty that attracts success, it is the mindset to succeed.

You can’t offer negative thoughts about things and counteract those thoughts just by working hard. You have to change your thoughts first. Once your thoughts are in line with what you want, then what you want will occur.

No amount of hard work can make up for thinking negatively. Change your thoughts, change your actions, change your life.

“Money isn’t everything, but . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

I can not over state the idea that money is only a tool. Unfortunately, most of us look at money quite differently than a tool. We see it as an important function of daily life.

We oftentimes base our value on money and income, however, money is only a tool that helps you achieve freedom.

Concern and worry remove freedom from your life. And most people feel concern and worry about money. Realizing that your joy is not dependent on money is an important step. It is a step that does involve changing your perspective and relationship with money.

Once you control your negative thoughts like worry and concern and replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts about hope and fulfillment, you are on your way to freedom.

You can set yourself free. Remove the shackles of your mental slavery? Stand free?

“There is no shortage of money or time . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

A shortage implies a lack of something. Thinking in terms of shortages is a negative thought. Instead, think of the abundance of time and money. Focus on the potential of what you can accomplish with your time. Think of the wonderful things you can accomplish with your wealth.

Even though our time on earth is finite, our time is abundant. Choosing to use your time as a resource to accomplish your goals places you in vibration with what you want.

Wealth keeps increasing daily when you focus on positive thoughts. I’m not referencing the play money manufactured by governments, but true wealth. Wealth is more than just money. You get to define your wealth and achieve that wealth in your life.

Make the change to focus on your goals? Use your abundant amount of time to achieve the wealth you deserve?

“I can’t tell stories of shortage, and experience abundance . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

You can’t have it both ways. We hear that statement throughout life and it holds true. If you say you want something while also thinking about it’s opposite, then you’re never going to get what you want. It’s simple quantum physics.

Your thoughts will end up attracting that thing you consider unwanted because that is your focus. Rather than focusing your time and energy on shortage, focus on abundance. Focus on joy. Focus on fulfillment.

Your focus determines your reality.

“The better my story gets, the better my life gets . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Your life will become better with the increasing positivity of your narrative. There is no need to “fake it until you make it” because you write the story.

The better you write your story daily, the better you think about your life, then the better your narrative and life will get. It’s simple quantum physics.

Get out there and make the change you want. Think what you want and make it happen?

“The Law of Attraction responds to my vibration . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

I thought this line was equally powerful, “A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought . . .”. If you can change your thinking into alignment with what you want, then you fundamentally alter your beliefs and your life. Your beliefs align with your thoughts and your life in harmony.

That is the kind of alignment and harmony I want. I am no longer focusing on external thoughts, actions, and behavior. I am focused on changing internally.

Internal focus means I am working on what I can change. Changing the way I think so that it aligns more with what I believe. I have seen for too long how this dissociative way of living rips people apart, wears them down, and destroys them. I was once like that as well.

I started a path over a year ago to live in alignment with my beliefs. I am taking strides to eliminate the negative aspects of my life. I am never going to say those steps are easy. They require work. But, I want to be a better person. I want to evolve. I want to have what I want.

I’m not going to get those things if I say one thing and act another. I am not going to get those things if I am negative. I am not going to get those things thinking like this.

I will get what I want by focusing on what I want. I will get what I want by thinking and acting in alignment with the positive. I will get what I want by changing me and not the world around me.

If through my change the world becomes better, a person decides to grow, a system is replaced, a new truth is found, then we are all the better for it. Those are not my concerns, though.

My focus is on making my world into my image. I am going to make my life what I want. Care to take that journey too?

“I can set my own standards for financial well-being . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Money is a tricky subject that folks today are quick to talk about. But when they do talk it is typically about someone else’s money and not their money.

When you’re vibrationally aligned with what you desire, the choices and actions are easier. Getting into vibration is the difficult task.

Taking those steps to be positively aligned were done with a goal in mind. Part of that goal was financial well-being, since, outside of health, it is most important to being free.

So, listen to your definition of financial well-being and not that of others. It is not their life you’re living but your own. You choose what financial well-being means for you.

If you do what everyone else is doing, then you will get what they have. However, if you do what you’re doing, then you get to choose how the narrative goes.

Get physically healthy. Get financially healthy. Get emotionally healthy. And get free?

“The physical me is materialized spirit . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

You are thought turned into action. You are here to get what you want out of life. But you have to choose to make that thought into action.

Focusing on your internal, your thought, your vibration, is bringing the action into being.

All the wonderful things that are around you are both thought and action. Enjoy the journey.

“My what-is need not influence my what-is-becoming . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Understanding that your focus is predominately more important to your future than anything else is crucial. Dwelling on either what-is or what-is-becoming simply asks that you change your focus.

You can focus on how things are and life will continue to be that way. You can focus on what you don’t want and you can get those things. You can focus on what you do want and you can get those things.

The only difference in any of these scenarios lies in your choice on what to focus. Why not focus on having an abundant life? Why not focus on having a healthy life? Why not focus on living a fulfilled life? Why not focus on having a free life?

Cowards are alike. Cowards are stagnant. Cowards are everywhere. Courage is choosing to change.

“Rather than complaining, I will focus on positive aspects . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

We all know that person who is a nightmare conversation. This person has a litany of ailments and woes to unleash upon any unsuspecting or wary passerby. This person lives to recount in detail all the wrongs heaped upon their life.

Maybe you’re that person? You always have a problem. Typically, these problems are not are own doing but some external force that is out to get us. Maybe it’s pollen, the IRS, aliens, or our neighbors, but something external is always to blame. Not ourselves.

But we are to blame. Because we control our thoughts. We control our actions. We control our lives. It’s your body and always your choice.

So, let’s focus on the positive and leave the complaints to that coworker or relative that you try to avoid? Be positive and see what changes in your life?

“I can make a career of living happily ever after . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

You’ve heard people say that if you find what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Bullshit. Work is work no matter if you enjoy it or not.

The key is choosing something you enjoy rather than something you hate. People choose occupations for some of the most fucked up reasons. It’s uniquely absurd how bizarre people can behave just to acquire money. Folks will deny their happiness and mortgage their future for money.

Totally fucking bizaarre. But you don’t need to do that. You don’t need to be devious and deceptive to live a life of abundance. You just have to focus on what you want.

There are many people out there doing the wrong thing. Worrying about shit that doesn’t matter. Do you want to be like them or do you want happiness? You can be happy if you choose.

“It is not my role to make others happy . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Living for the happiness of others is not helpful for your journey. Living for your alignment and well-being is the main importance.

When you begin focusing on what you want and your happiness then you will be more of a benefit to others around you. Your journey will help those around you.

Rising tides raise all boats. So get your boat in order to rise with the tides of life.

“We are each responsible for the thoughts we think . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

You can’t make people change. You can’t even give them facts and let them make different decisions.

I struggle with this idea a lot. I have no difficulty being responsible for my thoughts and actions, however, I am concerned, unjustly, with the thoughts and actions of others. I can see a better way and it baffles me to no end why they cannot s well.

Ultimately though, we can only change ourselves. We can only control ourselves and that is truly enough. All it takes is your choice, your thought, your change to change your area of control.

Rather than worrying about things that are external that you can’t control, begin to focus on what you can control. Take it one step at a time.

Control you. Then control the room you’re in. Then control the building you reside in. And slowly, purposely, expand your circle of control. You have to start with you first. Then focus on your things. If your room isn’t clean, then how can you show someone else how to clean a room?

“My career is one of creating a joyful life experience . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

So, I found this one particularly interesting this morning. I especially liked this part, “You are not a creator of things, or a regurgitator of what someone else has created, or a gatherer of stuff.”

Wow. Let’s hear that one more time? “You are not a creator of things, or a regurgitator of what someone else has created, or a gatherer of stuff.” And I want to quickly break that apart this morning.

Let’s start with “You are not a creator of things”? Sometimes we tie our self worth to the things we create in life. Those things we build with our own hands. Whether those things are built with physical or mental toil, they are still not us.

Those things are byproducts of our thoughts. Those things we create hopefully serve a purpose in moving us along in our journey. BUT, those things are not us and our worth is within our thoughts, our experience, our life.

Oh, to not be a “ . . . regurgitator of what someone else has created.” You can’t go anywhere today without seeing folks spitting back what they heard someone else say, reposting what someone else created, or being unoriginal. If you’re creating your own life experience, then you should look inside for meaning and stop merely puking back or repackaging someone else’s creation as your own.

And to not be “. . . a gather of stuff.” To simplify your personal possessions. To live simply. That’s a burden placed on us from birth here in the States. We are constantly being sold and influenced by blatant advertising and covert influence. It’s tough to not tie your worth to things. To not place your value in comparing what you have with others.

It’s a mindset I see all day long at work among adolescents. Some mature beyond that stage and move toward freedom. Some of us stay locked in that negative thought cycle for our lives.

Your life should be joyful. Your life should be abundant. Your life should be free. Your life should be unique. Your life should be yours. Claim it?

“My life is as good as I allow it to be . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

About a decade ago I adopted the saying when greeted by colleagues of “Living the dream”. I still incorporate that saying when asked how I’m doing because it still holds true.

People meet this statement with varying responses based upon where they are in their journey. Some folks are working on living the dream, others laugh at the idea of living the dream, and still others don’t know what their dream is.

But “living the dream” is always a possibility. It isn’t some magical process although it may seem like it. “Living the dream” is a process, a possibility, a reality that you can embrace.

See, the great thing about life is your ability to choose. Now some folks want to make their choices for you. Some folks want to limit you to their expectations. Some folks want to put their fears about life into you.

But, the great thing about that is you get to choose. You get to choose if you let someone else control your life or if you’re going to get free.

You see when I talk about it being your body and your choice, I’m not going to add a “but”. When I say it’s your body and your choice, I’m not going to say “unless”. When I say it’s your body and your choice, I’m not going to qualify it.

You own your body, your thoughts, your actions, your choices . . . All of it. You own you.

So go out there and embrace the life of abundance you deserve? Go out there and live your dream? No one else is going to live it for you.

“I am always receiving the essence of what I am giving . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

It’s all my fault. The good and bad things in my life are all my fault. I get to take both the credit and the blame.

This idea of owning all of your life can be liberating. You just have to allow it to free you.

The more you take on the responsibility for your life, then the more you can change your life. You aren’t just a spectator to what’s happening. You are a participant.

So make this life the one you want? Go out there and embrace it, live it, own it?

“Welcome to planet earth; you are here to seek joy . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Imagine spending your life wanting to be happy. You are no longer looking for things to upset you or make you sad.

You can have that if you choose or you can have the other.

Think it and believe it. Have a life of gratitude and visualize your happiness?

“I can follow the trails of good-feeling thoughts . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

It’s not about what you have to do. It’s about what you want to be.

When you figure out what you want and set yourself in alignment with those thoughts, things get much easier. When you stop doing things that are counter to your wants, then you get what you want.

It sounds so simple but it is anything but simple. It takes time to figure out what you truly want out of life. Once you figure that part out and accept who you truly are, then the path is quite clear.

So, meet yourself? And start your journey to becoming what you want?

“In my appreciation, I allow myself to receive wonderful things . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

We spend a lot of time distracted. These distractions can let our mind behave in negative ways. One of those negative behaviors is not being grateful.

Appreciate the change you’re already making. A feeling of gratitude for the joy and abundance you’re already seeing goes a long way. Being grateful for what we’re already accomplishing, already enjoying, already thinking, already feeling, helps align our thoughts with the positive.

Maybe you don’t have everything you want yet. Maybe you’re just starting to align your thoughts with what you want. Maybe you’re just beginning to see the good happen.

Be grateful for what you’re doing. You deserve to be happy about the change your making. ANd being grateful for the abundance in your life will make your thoughts easier to align positively.

You didn’t get to where you are in one day, one week, one month, one year. Don’t expect to change that situation just as quickly

"Appreciation and love are identical vibrations . . ."

Embrace the Secret Within.

Appreciation is when all worry passes from you. Appreciation is being aligned with who you truly are. Appreciation is being in love with yourself.

Oftentimes we feel under appreciated. Like appreciation is something others have to offer us. Appreciation is a gift you give yourself.

You don't get appreciation, you feel appreciation. Appreciation comes from inside you. Appreciation is the external display of loving who you are.

You don't need other people to feel appreciated because, ultimately, you need to appreciate, you need to thank, you need to be grateful, you need to love yourself.

Once you align yourself to appreciate you, to treasure you, to love you, then you will vibrate that thought out into the world. And that thought will become reality. And appreciation will find you in abundance.

It's simple quantum physics.

P.S. I am nearing the end of this sixth day journey. If there is anything you would appreciate hearing about in the next journey, then feel at liberty to post below or message me. I hope you find what you're looking for.

“Appreciation and gratitude are different vibrational states . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Gratitude keeps some of the negative energy that appreciation lacks because gratitude comes from overcoming. While appreciation comes from positive thought.

Appreciate that in spite of the struggles you face, the problems you face, the challenges you face in your life, that your alignment with what you want will bring positive events into your life. Appreciate that you will get what you want out of this life by changing your mind. Appreciate that you will be in alignment with who you truly are.

Appreciation involves changing your mind. You have to change your thoughts from ones of worry and concern to happiness and abundance. You have to accept the power to change your life every day. You have to empower yourself with responsibility.

From that change, from that acceptance, from that empowerment you gain appreciation for the world you are creating. The world you create with every thought, every action, every choice.

Appreciate your mind, your self, your life?

“I can transform my own world . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

It is my job to change my world. It is not my job to change the world for others. Say that again?

I think you get to a point on your journey when you find your truth that you decide to go out and convert and that is not what we usually picture.

We like to think that people will embrace our truth. People will be thankful for saving them from their delusions. But, it don’t be like that. Do it?

I struggled through this phase about a year ago. I was going to convert the masses. I was going to share the light. I was going to change the world one person at a time.

But, the only person you can change is you. If you make that change, then you succeeded. If you continue that change you stand apart.

So, don’t get focused on everyone else. They all get to make their own choices. Just like you get to make your choices. You don’t have to endorse their lifestyle, you just need to embrace yours.

So, go out their and make your life better? It’s the only life you control.

“Shortages of time or money are perceptual . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

Change your thinking and you will see that any time we think we are short on either time or money, we need to change our perspective.

The clock ticks the same for everyone. Your perception of time is the problem. Change the way you think about time from one of lack to one of abundance. You can do the same with money.

It is only how we perceive time and money that needs to change in order to change our life.

“I can create both money and the time to enjoy it . . . “ Embrace the Secret Within.

Imagine being too busy acting for money. It doesn’t take much to imagine this state of being.

A lot of people are so caught up in action for money that they don’t get to act for enjoyment. Long commutes, long hours, long days, short nights, it can all be an exhausting rut.

You have to understand that action isn’t creating money. Your thoughts are. And once you liberate your actions from the money preoccupation and turn that over to your thoughts, you won’t be exhausted. You’ll have the time and the energy to enjoy your abundance.

Live a life of enjoyment? A life of abundance? A life of creation? A life of change?

“I can earn money by doing what I love to do . . .”

Embrace the Secret Within.

When we come to terms that our thoughts are most important to our life’s journey, then we can worry less about actions. If our thoughts are aligned, then our actions will align as well.

Only a mind out of alignment with positive thought acts erratically. When our thoughts are signed with what we want, our thoughts about money will align as well.

And then you can earn money from doing what you love. So, find that positive thing you want and go do it? You’ll be surprised how well the journey goes.

“Life is always working out for me . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

The more your mindset changes to think about the good. The more things start to work out in your favor.

A year ago I was worried like most of us were. The forecast was frightening and uncertain. It was time to make a change.

I started that change by focusing on what I could control. I could control what I thought, what I ate, what I did. I went from unfocused backyard chickens to a gentleman farming operation. I wanted to get free from the uncertainty of the world around me. I wanted to be in charge of my life.

So, I embraced my inner warlord and set about making my gentleman farming operation successful. Did it work out last year? Not at all. But I learned and grew and moved forward.

The more I focused on being deliberate with my thoughts and actions the easier it became to gain freedom from the external.

Courage is choosing to change. And change only occurs within yourself. I could have focused on fear. I could have focused on uncertainty. I could have focused on failure. But I chose to have the life I wanted. I chose for things to work out for me.

And it’s a simple process but it’s a daily process of keeping your focus on you and what you want. You have to lose focus on the things that truly don’t matter and life will start working out for you as well. Are you ready for freedom? Are you ready to own your life? Are you ready for a change?

“The story I tell is the basis of my life . . . “

Embrace the Secret Within.

I get to choose the life I live. I get to choose to look for what I want out of life and get it too.

I started this journey out of need. I needed to get control of my life back. I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to keep myself and my family safe. I end this part of my journey today knowing that I now can be safe.

I went from a mess that people thought had it all together to someone that now has a grasp on what being together looks like. It takes health.

First, you have to take back your mind. Getting control of your thoughts and focusing is an important first step. You need your mental health before you can enact changes in your physical health. I don’t know if you can be physically healthy without being mentally healthy as well. I see people that look like they’re in great physical shape that I am sure are not mentally healthy. But physical fitness and physical health are two completely different states.

Once those two healths are established, there is a financial health that you need to achieve. You can’t be free if you’re in debt. Something will always have a claim over your thoughts and wealth. Working on achieving financial freedom is the next part of the journey.

The great thing about the journey is it gets to be whatever I want it to be. I get to tell my story. I get to live my life the way I choose. And, for me, that choice is being free.

What’s your choice?

Thanks for following along with me over the past sixty days and the process that began a year ago. I’ve had some ups and downs along the way. I still get voices of the past in my head. I still stumble and fall but, ultimately, I move forward. And if you’re not growing, then what’s the point in living?

I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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