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Discipling the Undisciplined no. 27

“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets” (Matthew 7:12). Isn’t that easier said than done? It really takes a total change in wiring our brain to think like that even though this is probably one of our earliest Christian instructions. BUT, then what happens? Mammon and power and the fear of losing either. Then we forget to love our neighbors. Want an example? Just look around social media, just look at the news, just look at the people in your life, just look at yourself. We might have been taught this lesson a long time ago BUT we never really learned it.

Dude, I get push back all the time when I suggest that being like Jesus is the goal of Christian living. Whenever I focus on loving neighbors, I get told how unrealistic it is. Whenever I suggest that we not murder folks, there are Christians that want to justify murder. Whenever I suggest that we not treat immigrants like others, there are Christians that want to lock them in cages and/or return them to danger. Whenever I suggest that we love others, there are Christians that want to justify name-calling and being rude. And, dudes, there are a lot of places in the Bible where folks can go and find some verses to make their case. BUT they have a difficult time in making that case with Jesus. And that is why I don’t argue those points too much.

I don’t argue with folks that want to proof text or cherry pick parts of the Bible because it is not worth the time. I present the information of how Jesus and His Kingdom are supposed to be and move on. It is the role of the Spirit to do the work. I am just here to spread the Good News. And the Good News is great. 

The Good News means that Jesus is enthroned. He is the King and I should act accordingly. I should pledge allegiance to His Kingdom and all that being allegiant to Him entails. And that means loving Him and loving my neighbor. That means doing better for others better than I want for myself. That means not supporting policies and systems that treat people like they are lesser. That means going out and helping those that policies and systems are treating as lesser. That means not supporting policies and systems that lead to death and destruction. That means supporting the Kingdom as the way of life and shalom. Am I choosing the path of life or death? I think that is a great question to ask about my beliefs because I have had to ask those questions of things I used to believe. And now I no longer believe those things that led to death. I take the King and His Kingdom seriously. I am repenting of my past beliefs daily. And I am working on bringing about His Kingdom here daily. It is a struggle BUT it brings life to me and to others. I choose life.

Grace and Shalom to your home. 

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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