Discipling the Undisciplined no. 22
“No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” (Matthew 6:24). Two allegiances, two lives, two gods, two bosses, two systems, two ways of living . . . I often think of how exhausting that was. It is exhausting to try and creatively serve two masters. Hypocrisy is exhausting.
And I understand hypocrisy. I lived it for years. Hypocrisy involves a lot of mental gymnastics. I had to create reasons for why I was running into problems with thinking and living. It was a constant battle. And I wanted shalom. I wanted everything to make sense. I wanted things to align. I wanted life to be simple. I knew it must be.
And then God met me where I was. And He guided my journey. And I had to give up a lot of what I thought I knew, what I was taught, and what I believed. A lot of my life had to be deconstructed and rebuilt by Him. And that was real change for me, repentance was changing my life.
I had been used to changing my way of seeing the world. When I left the church, I was looking for something that made more sense than what I was being told. I went into philosophy and kept looking for things that made sense. Always trying to find something that wasn’t hypocritical, something easy. There are so many beliefs in religion, politics, and philosophy that require hypocrisy, that require divided allegiance. But God doesn’t. He wants all my allegiance, all my heart, all my body, all my mind.
I can’t serve two masters. I only serve one now. And I ask you to truthfully determine who you serve because as for me, I will serve the Lord.
Grace and Shalom to your home.
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