Biblical Meditation no. 1
"But the wisdom from above is first pure [morally and spiritually undefiled], then peace-loving [courteous, considerate], gentle, reasonable [and willing to listen], full of compassion and good fruits. It is unwavering, without [self-righteous] hypocrisy [and self-serving guile]. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness (spiritual maturity) is sown in peace by those who make peace [by actively encouraging goodwill between individuals]."
James 3:17-18 [Amplified Bible]
Embrace the Word.
I spent a lot of time over the past two decades in Catholic mass and there comes a part in the service where they offer each other a sign of peace. And I think about how we often have the opportunity to share a sign of peace with one another and instead choose violence, selfishness, and evil. James talks about eternal wisdom shown in us by being pure, peaceful, gentle, reasonable, attentive, compassionate, good, and unwavering. These are signs of spiritual maturity. We could do a lot worse than using these traits as guidance for our interactions with one another. When we wonder if our wisdom is a sign of spiritual maturity, then it would be best to examine if we have these traits in our life.
Peace is an important thing to achieve in this hectic and saturated world. It is important enough that every week in Catholic mass, they talk about offering a sign of it to one another. And peace is something that is difficult to share if you don’t already possess peace.
I spent a lot of time not at peace. I was constantly at war. I spent a lot of time choosing violence. I spent a lot of time in conflict. And all that got me was more of the same. I ended up fighting with everyone including myself. And that was not the life I wanted. I didn’t want that life for my family. I didn't want that life for my friends. I didn’t want that life for me. So, fourteen days ago I made peace with myself. I came to terms with where I was and the change that needed to happen. And I am working on that peace every day.
I would like to tell you that peace gets easier BUT there are so many influences out there designed to take away my peace and your peace. A lot of influences that are trying to distract me from the eternal. The twenty-four hour news cycle needs a new distraction to freshen up fears. And even if you avoid the news, everyone else is getting injected with the distractions, the fear, and the evil. And they are sure to spread it around and share it with others and cough it all over you in public and private. It is a disease that wants to consume and cripple me and you.
I can’t let that happen to my peace. I need my peace. I need to live peace and share peace. There isn’t a lot of it going around. Once I found peace I truly treasured how valuable a commodity it is today. To have that peace and to share it with others in a world that chooses violence is a truly wonderful thing to enjoy. I hope you find the time to share your peace today. Have the day you want.
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