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A Pantoum A Day no. 10 and 11

Most High and glorious God, enlighten the darkness of our hearts and give us a true faith, a certain hope and a perfect love. Give us a sense of the divine and knowledge of yourself, so that we may do everything in fulfillment of your holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • Prayer of Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226

My passion for your house consumes me!

don’t let what happens to me be the source of confusion

Must I restore what I never took away?

For nothing within me is hidden from your sight!

don’t let what happens to me be the source of confusion

You know every sin I’ve ever done.

For nothing within me is hidden from your sight!

But I keep calling out to you, Yahweh!

You know every sin I’ve ever done.

Your answer to my prayer will be my sure salvation

But I keep calling out to you, Yahweh!

Don’t let this flood drown me.

Your answer to my prayer will be my sure salvation

My passion for your house consumes me!

Don’t let this flood drown me.

Must I restore what I never took away?

Save me from these deep waters

turn Your heart toward me

Don’t let this flood drown me.

Come closer as a friend and redeem me

turn Your heart toward me

Your miracle rescue will lift me to the highest place.

Come closer as a friend and redeem me

my song will be a burst of praise

Your miracle rescue will lift me to the highest place.

Let this revive your hearts

my song will be a burst of praise

Let all the universe praise Him!

Let this revive your hearts

Save me from these deep waters

Let all the universe praise Him!

Don’t let this flood drown me.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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