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A Panotum a Day no. 65 and 66


God himself will establish your kingdom

“Rule in the midst of Your enemies!”

Your people will be Your love offerings.

God himself will establish your kingdom

You will be exalted,

Your people will be Your love offerings,

in the brightness of your holy ones You will shine.

You will be exalted,

anointed with the dew of Your youth,

in the brightness of your holy ones You will shine;

an army arising from the womb of the dawn,

anointed with the dew of Your youth.


an army arising from the womb of the dawn,

“Rule in the midst of Your enemies!”

[based on Psalms 110:1-3]

Yahweh has taken a solemn oath

and will never back away from it,

“You are a priest for eternity”,

The Lord stands in full authority

and will never back away from it.

Shatter to pieces the kings who stand against You;

The Lord stands in full authority,

He will judge every rebellious nation,

shatter to pieces the kings who stand against You,

will shatter the strongholds of ruling powers.

He will judge every rebellious nation,

refreshed by love he will stand victorious,

will shatter the strongholds of ruling powers,

Yahweh has taken a solemn oath ,

refreshed by love he will stand victorious,

“You are a priest for eternity!”

[based on Psalms 110:4-7]

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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