"Just like the religious industry is filled with false prophets, so is the health industry. The former is the best at selling nothing for something while the latter sells something that does nothing. Getting spiritually and physically healthy doesn't take a product, doesn't take a service, doesn't require a subscription . . . All health requires is you doing you for you."
Courage is choosing to change.
Since it is too cold to do what I usually would do on a weekend, I figured I would at least take this time to write. And writing about religion and healthcare seems to be my main perpetrators of interest. Not because I dislike their approach but because I dislike their sincerity.
Getting healthy at any level is a decision you make on your own. You have to be interested in that process. When you have to buy a product, ingest a product, inject a product, believe a service, to get healthy . . . I get wary.
Health is predominately what you put into your body. Sure exercise is cool. Sure meditation is cool. Sure. But what ya ingest is what gets in there. What you inject gets in there. What you drink gets in there.
So, maybe, just maybe work on that?
And I am not out here preaching to be healthy all the time. Your body needs stress. It just doesn't need stress all the time.
So live healthy and live unhealthy. But stop thinking some charlatan or snake oil salesperson has the cure . . .
You are your own cure. If you want to buy their stuff . . . Do it. But all it takes is you.